A little bit about Mally
February 18, 2019
Hi My Love!
Just like the home I built with my gorgois hubby, Phil, this website is a place of love, acceptance, joy, no judgements and harmony! So happy to have you here!
If you don't know who I am, let me introduce myself.
I am probably most well known as a celebrity makeup artist (I've worked with some of the most beautiful, talented and inspirational women in the world!) creator of my cosmetics line, Mally Beauty, author, QVC .... and TV beauty expert. Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that part of my life but I am so much more!
I am a loving wife to the most incredible man and in the world, a dedicated mama to 3 amazing girls, rescue mama to 2 pitbulls, 3 guinea pigs, 4 frogs and 4 fish. I am a lover of people and get super excited about hearing stories, lifting up, encouraging and making people smile and laugh. I am a Spiritual Cheerleader and never get tired of helping people look at life in a different way. I am a Positivity Preacher.
I love to shop. I get excited when I see a Starbucks. I am embarrassingly addicted to Instagram. I have a lot of shoes. A LOT.
I'm praying that we can spend some time here together and just feel free, peaceful and happy. So welcome in, and get ready to feel joyful, positive, loved and appreciated!
I love you,